Books That Caught Our Eye



Here at Mailbox Monday, we want to encourage participants to not only share the books they received, but to check out the books others have received.

To that end, we’ve decided to share “Books that Caught Our Eye” with you. Each week, LeslieSerena and Vicki  will each share 2 books that caught their eye from that week’s Mailbox Monday and share them here.

We encourage you to share the books that caught your eye in the comments.

Here are the books that caught our eye this week:


91wyirkgzl-_sl1500_The Unwitting by Ellen Feldman at Serendipity.
Set in the literary Manhattan of the 1950s, at a journal much like the Paris Review, The Unwitting evokes a bygone era of burgeoning sexual awareness and intrigue and an exuberance of ideas that had the power to change the world.

An era I’ve always found fascinating, even more now since I’ve been watching Mad Men.



The House We Grew Up In by Lisa Jewell at Book Dilettante thwgui
The captivating story of one family’s desire to restore long-forgotten peace and to unearth the many secrets hidden within the nooks and crannies of home.

Lots of good reviews for this book – plus the family in the story is The Bird Family. How could I not read a book about the birds?






the-winter-guestThe Winter Guest by Pam Jenoff from @ Diary Of An Eccentric
I’ve read a few of Jenoff’s books, and this is her latest, so you can bet I want to get my hands on this one. I’m hoping Anna will let me borrow her review copy when she’s done with it. Historical fiction, WWII, Poland, and how a pair of twins struggle to raise their other siblings under that duress, how could this not be a winner?!



Kids Who Are Changing the World by Anne Jankeliowitch @ Library Of Clean Reads 18509658 (1)
I’m always interested in activism. I was quite the advocate in my 20s, but these days I’ve got a busy toddler to keep me up on my toes daily. I love to see what young generations are doing, restoring my faith that they are not all as apathetic as the news media makes them seem.





18509658 (1)Kids Who Are Changing the World by Anne Jankeliowitch @ Library Of Clean Reads 
The inspiring stories of 45 young heroes who have made an impact on our planet.
Forty-five young people from around the world (including twelve from the U.S. and four from Canada) are doing something every day to make the world a better place. They discovered issues that concerned them and did something about it. With skills ranging from singing, drawing, and painting to fund-raising, public demonstrations, and events, they have fought climate change and pollution, and worked to protect animals and their natural habitats. This inspiring book also includes reference materials and suggestions on how readers can get involved.

I love hearing about young people making the world a better place. Sounds very inspirational!


Blackfin Sky by Kat Ellis @ Savvy Verse & Wit  18952405
When Sky falls from Blackfin Pier and drowns on her sixteenth birthday, the whole town goes into mourning – until she shows up three months later like nothing happened. Unravelling the mystery of those missing months takes Sky to the burned-out circus in the woods, where whispers of murder and kidnapping begin to reveal the town’s secrets. But Sky’s not the only one digging up the past – the old mime from the circus knows what happened to her, and he has more than one reason for keeping quiet about it.

Can you imagine someone you know dying and then showing up 3 months later and not thinking they’ve been gone?
This is the UK edition of the cover, which is much better than the US version. Isn’t it beautiful? Here is the link to the US cover.

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